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How to change a diaper for a squirmy baby


How to change a diaper for a squirmy baby

(The short answer: upside down!)

If you've ever changed diaper for a baby who has learned to roll over you know it can be a wrestle match you aren't able to win. It's just a question of time whether you can do your thing before the little one will perform an alligator roll to get on his/her tummy.

Can you relate?

I've cloth diapered all my three kids and each time, after they've reached the alligator age, I've wondered why there doesn't seem to be any diapers with back closure. This way you could let the baby roll over after you've taking care of the hygiene and you could put the diaper on while the baby entertains herself on her tummy with whatever stuff you have on the changing table.

After spending two diapering careers wondering, I decided to take things into my own hands and create a sewing pattern for a back closure cloth diaper. After tweaking my old front closure diaper patterns and several iterations with prototypes I came up with a perfect fit for my baby. The pattern for the On Tummy Diaper was born!

Originally, my thought was that there had to be something wrong with the idea as there weren't any commercially available (later I came across with the brand gdiapers) but my upside down diaper turned out to be a super handy solution. Diaper change became so much easier as the baby was much happier on her tummy than on her back and I was able to close the diaper without a wrestle. I was completely blown away that this ingenious method was not in wider use!

Later I found that the back closure is also handy with a baby who stands against eg. a sofa. The pattern has elastics on both front and back waist so the diaper can be used as a pull-up diaper, too!

I sewed up some On Tummy Diapers for my cloth diapering friends and they fell in love with the design, too. Encouraged by their positive feedback, I decided to digitize my hand drawn pattern and make it available online and that's how I started my Etsy shop Nightshift Sewing!

I'm an advocat of "anyone can sew" philosophy and I wanted to make the instructions so clear and simple even beginner level sewists could follow them and successfully make their first diy cloth diaper.

I had grown to use pocket diapers (as they were the most advanced diaper model available around here at the time my two first kids were babies) and thus the pattern is for a pocket diaper, but from the beginning I planned to offer instructions on how to tweak the process to make a fitted diaper and a cover.

I'll add the tutorials here as soon as I get them ready!

Get your On Tummy Diaper sewing pattern from Etsy!

How to change a diaper for a squirmy baby
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